Invest in a local community club with passionate fans.

If you have any questions, please contact


How can I get involved?

Please email and we will get back to you with details. If you wish to be involved in a governance, leadership and/or organisational capacity; please indicate in your email and include any expertise.

How much does this cost? What is my financial commitment?

No financial commitment has currently been established. The latest survey of potential members indicates a $500 joining fee and $200 annual membership would be agreeable.

How would do I become a member?

You will become a member by completing an Application Form and paying your joining fee.

I want to be a shareholder jointly with someone else – what does that involve?

You can be joint shareholder with someone else – and you must tell us that on the application form. However, joint shareholders have only one vote (not one each).  

I want to buy shares for my children – how can I do that?

You can buy shares on behalf of your children but, until they turn 18, they must be held in your name as trustee for your children. Once they turn 18, they can have the shares transferred into their own name. 

How do I vote at Co-op meetings?

If you wish to attend the meeting in person, you will vote at the meeting by show of hands. If you are unable to attend the meeting in person, you may send in a proxy vote using the form provided in the meeting notice. 

What happens to my shares if I die?

Your shares will be transferred to your legal personal representative (the executor of your estate) to be dealt with in accordance with your will.